Festive Turkey Take Away Form

From 25th November 2021 until 10th January 2022.

Fields marked with an * are required.


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I have read and agreed to Weslodge Saloon’s Privacy Policy, including using Personal Information from the data I provide to Weslodge Saloon and/or collected at Weslodge Saloon , in order for Weslodge Saloon to inform and/or provide me with Weslodge Saloon’s products and services and allow Weslodge Saloon to proceed with related marketing activities.

Terms and conditions

1. Purchase will not be considered valid until a Weslodge Saloon’s team member contacts you and confirms the order

2. After receiving confirmation from the Weslodge Saloon’s team member, the full amount needs to be paid.

3. Please note a minimum of 72 hours is required to prepare the Roast Turkey after confirmation.

4. There are no refunds for any cancellations or uncollected orders.

5. Roast Turkey and its trimmings must be consumed within 4 hours of collection.

night in business bay


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